Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to be Successful in Animation - Dnyan's Gyan

This is one of the biggest questions every student of fine arts faces.

I have attempted to give students an insight into the various areas important to this industry.

A) CREATIVITY – one of the key reasons you have become an artist is your ability to contribute in a fresh and unique manner. The same exact skills are required in the animation industry as well. Just look at the stunning artwork in animation films right from The Jungle Book to the more recent 'Up' and you will see the role artists play in some of the world’s best animation films.

B) TECHNICAL SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE – today’s animation professional “draws” electronically using a tablet and pen. A tablet and pen allows you to mimic various mediums whether it be brush and paint or watercolours or charcoal or simply sketching and do so directly into the computer. Students must become comfortable using such modern tools, keep themselves updated with them, and be aware about the upcoming tools that will help them to better express their creativity.

C) PROFESSIONALISM & WORK ETHIC – while artists who are create art for themselves work from their home or studio and keep their own hours, in an animation studio one has to attend office. Your timely and regular attendance at work is one of most important factors in succeeding in the animation industry or any production environment. This is perhaps the biggest adjustment you will have to make and is a matter of setting your mind to it.

D) PATIENCE, GRIT & DETERMINATION – as with anything in life, a good dose of patience, grit, and determination are required in equal measure for true success. Just remember the age old saying – “Perseverance Breeds Success.”

E) SOFT SKILLS – your ability to blend in and collaborate with your co-workers will make your workplace a much more pleasant place to go to everyday. Another adage applies here – “When in Rome, do as the Romans.” Some of the more important soft skills to develop include: How to talk with your seniors? How to disagree with your seniors or colleagues without being rude or offensive? How to appropriately dress for work? What can and cannot be shared over e-mail? How to write professional e-mails?

F) COMMUNICATION / ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE CREATIVE DIRECTOR WANTS – you will be surprised to learn that one of the biggest challenges that studios and creative directors face is to be able to make artists like yourself understand what it is that they are looking for. This is one of the key areas where FX School stands out. As part of your course, you will learn about some of the best films and directors in the international and Indian film industries. You will learn why a certain scene was shot in a particular way and what was achieved by doing so. As an artist knowledgeable in film and art studies, you will be uniquely positioned to instantly understand what the creative director is looking for and deliver solid results with minimal requirement of revisions.

Dnyaneshwar is Art Director at FX School, and teaches courses in Digital Art. For more info on the courses, and to view Dnyan's profile, visit us at the FX School Website

1 comment:

  1. To be successful in animation, focus on honing your technical skills and creativity. Networking is crucial; connect with industry professionals and attend animation festivals. Consider professional assignment writers for help with project deadlines or complex tasks. They can provide polished, high-quality work, allowing you to concentrate on developing your animation portfolio and personal style.
